Wandering Cat Finds Hope with Persistent Strangers Who Transform His Fate

A meandering cat stumbled upon a group of persistent individuals who refused to abandon him, ultimately transforming his existence.

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As Radia and her mother were driving home, they noticed a bedraggled cat wandering on the side of the road. Despite the rainy weather, the cat looked like it had been out in the cold for some time and was in need of help. The duo quickly sprang into action, with Radia stepping out of the car to check on the cat while her mother fetched a carrier. Although the feline was initially frightened and ran under a nearby vehicle, Radia managed to coax it out with some treats. It seems that the cat was so hungry that it couldn’t resist the food, and eventually emerged from its hiding spot.

stray cat cheeks

On a wet day, a feline was discovered outdoors and brought to a veterinary clinic for assessment. Fortunately, it was the perfect place for the cat to be at that moment. Sheeta and Co, an animal rescue organization run by Radia, her mother, and sister Zahraa, operates in Kuwait and provides assistance to stray animals in their community through volunteer efforts.

sweet cat snuggles

Sheeta and Co is a place which took care of a cat named Appa who had an eye infection and ear mites. Sadly, there wasn’t any microchip found inside him and no one was searching for him. Zahraa from Sheeta and Co mentioned that Appa’s fur was greasy and dusty. Even after waiting for a long time, nobody came to claim him. This is not uncommon in Kuwait as pet abandonment is a widespread problem.

appa cat potato

Jen, under the Twitter handle @pokeypotpie, shared that her family decided to take Appa in. Upon arrival, Appa appeared quite reserved and kept his eyes closed most of the time. He showed no interest in playing or grooming himself for a few days. In fact, he barely moved from his spot. Despite this, he was receptive to pets and even purred when given attention.

sweet cat cheeks

Jen, who goes by the handle @pokeypotpie on social media, revealed that Appa appeared worn out from his time on the streets. However, her efforts to lift his spirits included providing him with massages and a comb that he took a liking to. Once he felt safe and comfortable, Appa began seeking affection from those around him.

snuggly cat happy

Jen, who goes by the Twitter handle @pokeypotpie, is a foster volunteer for City Kitties DC. One of the rescue groups that Sheeta and Co works with in the US, City Kitties DC offered to help find a good home for Appa, a cute cat in need. Thanks to Jen’s kindness, Appa was able to fly over from overseas and settle into his new foster home with another rescue cat named Harvey. The two felines hit it off immediately, and Appa’s playful side came out in full force. With all this newfound energy, Appa was soon ready to be adopted by a loving family and start his forever adventure.

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Alyson was scrolling through her social media feed when she stumbled upon a post about Appa, a charming and adorable pooch. She immediately developed an attachment to him and followed his journey all the way from Kuwait to DC. The moment he became available for adoption, Alyson wasted no time in submitting her application to adopt him. She enthusiastically revealed to Love Meow that she had been keeping track of him and was determined to make Appa her own.

happy sleeping cat

Alyson shared that it was love at first sight when she met Appa. The furry feline quickly warmed up to her and purred contentedly as she stroked his cheeks. After a week, Alyson and her fiance brought Sir Lewis, who was formerly known as Appa, to his new abode where he wasted no time in making it his domain.

cat lounging laid back

Alyson Sir Lewis is a friendly feline who loves to be around people. Whenever he’s given attention, he starts to purr and will even lay down on the ground to get more pets. When he takes a nap, he likes to be curled up next to his human friends and always keeps in contact with them by touching them with his paw.

cat cuddles sir lewis

Alyson Sir Lewis, the adorable pet, loves to do various activities other than sleeping. He enjoys getting his cheeks scratched, playing a game of “soccer” with a tennis ball, and being a helpful companion in the office by taking over the big chair or lying on a laptop. Additionally, he has successfully learned the art of belly trapping.

belly rub trap cat

Alyson shared that she is overjoyed with how Sir Lewis’ personality is gradually showing. He is a playful and affectionate cat who loves to play, especially with his toys. His demand for food is quite high as he starts his day with a grumpy meow. Alyson finds it amusing to wake up to Sir Lewis standing beside his food bowl, awaiting his breakfast.

grumpy cat sir lewis

Alyson shared that despite Sir Lewis’ health problems, they are grateful to provide him with the love and care he deserves. Thanks to the efforts of rescuers and numerous volunteers, Sir Lewis is now living happily with his dream family.

sleeping cat cheeks


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