Tired of the negative comments about her dog’s appearance, she celebrated his unique charm and won over the internet with a heartwarming story.

It’s truly disheartening to see people resorting to negative labels to criticize others. We should remember that judgment based on physical appearance is never justified, whether it’s towards people or even towards animals. Everyone deserves respect, regardless of how they look.

It’s important to accept all beings for who they are, despite any differences they may have. Unfortunately, some people struggle with this concept and are quick to judge based on appearances, even if those appearances are not something the individual can control.
Let me introduce you to Alan, a charming one-year-old mixed breed pup with a genetic condition that causes his nose to tilt slightly to the right when he closes his mouth.
Alan was rescued by Johanna Handley, a 41-year-old woman from Godalming, England, after she found him abandoned in Doha, Qatar.

“Puppies have their opinions, but Alan is our beloved dog, and we are well aware of his loveliness and unique charm,” Johanna explains. Concerned about negative comments about her pet’s appearance, Johanna decided to create a social media account to showcase Alan’s true beauty. The outcome was truly remarkable, with Alan winning hearts all around.

In order to deal with criticism towards her pet, Johanna came up with the idea of creating an online persona named Alan the Wonky Dog. Despite some people offering money for surgery to fix Alan’s appearance, Johanna is determined to keep him just the way he is. Alan has now gained a massive following on social media, with over 141,000 followers and millions of likes on his posts, making him a popular figure in the furry community.

Johanna’s main goal is to showcase the inner beauty of her dog, despite his unique appearance. She encourages others to consider adopting special needs rescue dogs, emphasizing that they deserve to experience love and care just like any other pet.

After consulting with a veterinarian about potential surgery for her dog, Johanna was relieved to hear that he was actually healthy. The veterinarian advised against a painful procedure that would have corrected his nose and jaw, as it would not have been necessary.

Join the incredible Paw of Live Event to meet Alan, Lexi, Joker, Wayne, Ryan, Dengosa, and their devoted owners!


“I adore you, darling – Emilee” is the song that comes to mind when thinking about Johana’s incredible bravery and love towards her furry companion. Since creating her account, she has received a lot of praise and positive messages for standing up against the attacks on her pet. “He was loved by everyone,” Johana shared. By rescuing him, Johana feels like she has reunited him with his rightful place in the family.

Alan’s story is truly touching; we can assist his mother in spreading awareness about adopting these unique puppies by sharing it.

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