The Inspiring Tale of a Blind Feline: From Stray Life in Bosnia to Finding Joyful Permanence in England

Sophie came across a Facebook post by World Animal Friends featuring Izzy, a lovely ginger and white cat who lost her sight after a car hit her while she was living on the streets of Bosnia. Sophie felt a strong bond with the visually impaired feline as she appeared vulnerable and powerless to her.

The adorable cat in the picture, Izzy, had a tough start to life. She was just a bit over a year old and carrying kittens when a car hit her. The accident left her with a permanently damaged right eye and a detached retina, which caused her to lose her sight in her left eye too. Sadly, she also lost her unborn kittens due to the trauma. Besides these injuries, Izzy had a fractured jaw and tail, and she even went into respiratory arrest while undergoing surgery. It’s incredible how much this little feline went through at such a young age, as her owner Sophie tells us.

Sophie was not hesitant to adopt a cat who had undergone extensive trauma. She was drawn to Izzy and understood how incredibly resilient animals with special needs can be. Sophie had previously adopted a blind cat named Puzzle, who was also deaf and old, when nobody else wanted her and was at risk of being euthanized. Puzzle adapted well to their homes and was wonderful. However, when Sophie learned about Izzy in 2019, she was still mourning the loss of Puzzle who had passed away a year earlier and wasn’t sure if she was ready to open her heart to another pet. Despite her reservations, Sophie completed the adoption application, and to her surprise, it was approved. However, she had to wait for several months before Izzy could travel from Bosnia to her home in Manchester, England. On December 15, 2019, Sophie and her husband Alex finally met Izzy in person when she was delivered to their doorstep. “We immediately took her to her food bowl where she devoured three full bowls before she settled down for a long sleep! I slept in the room with her and woke up to find her nuzzled into me — love at first sight!”

Izzy the blind cat and her owner Sophie have a strong bond that has only grown over the past year. Izzy, despite being visually impaired, is able to navigate her home with ease and surprises people with her independence. However, she does have a condition called entropion which requires regular injections and eye drops to manage. Despite this, Izzy enjoys typical cat activities such as playing, cuddling, and even comforting her owners during times of distress. She has become known as the “Therapy Cat” due to her ability to ground Sophie’s husband during panic attacks and provide comfort when needed.

In 2019, Sophie was uncertain about adopting another cat until she laid eyes on Izzy. Despite being blind, Izzy has proved to be a wonderful addition to the family, much like Sophie’s previous special needs cat, Puzzle, who passed away in 2018. Sophie has found that blind cats are just as capable of living happy and fulfilling lives with a little patience. This is evident in Izzy’s joyful presence in their home. A beautiful reminder that disabilities don’t define any living being.

According to Sophie, blind cats can be superheroes in the feline world and are actually amazing pets. Disregarding them as hard to take care of is unfair to these wonderful creatures. This sentiment is beautifully captured in the image shared on Instagram by @izzy.the.blind.

Sophie has come to realize that taking care of blind cats is not as difficult as it may seem and has found it to be a fulfilling experience. She was particularly moved when she first saw a picture of Izzy, who was in a terrible state when rescued by Rusmira from the streets of Bosnia. With the help of World Animal Friends and her loving parents, Izzy has made a remarkable recovery and is now doing well.

Sophie shares that despite all the hardships that her friend, Izzy, has gone through, she remains hopeful and positive. Sophie adds that Izzy is perceptive of their emotions and holds a special place in her heart.

You can keep up with this cute feline named Izzy by following its Instagram account @izzy.the.blind. Don’t miss the chance to know more about this lovable cat.

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