Savior of a Mistreated Pit Bull: Rescuing from a Moving Vehicle, Building Trust and Renewing Optimism.

When Penny the Pit Bull was rescued by her saviors, they were unaware that they were also saving another life.

Penny was found abandoned on the side of the road, but fortunately, she was discovered by the compassionate staff at Berclair Animal Hospital. Upon rescue, Penny was discovered to be undernourished, battered, and struggling with heartworms that had caused congestive heart failure. Her face was covered in deep cuts and sores, which suggested that she may have been involved in dogfighting.
The medical team reached out to Donna Velez, who runs Hearts of Gold Pit Rescue in Memphis, Tennessee, to inquire if her organization could assist. Despite a full rescue and dealing with her health issues, Donna asked for pictures of Penny. When she saw the images, she immediately instructed the veterinary team to ease Penny’s distress and provide the required medical care. Even though Donna couldn’t take Penny herself, she was determined to find a way to help her.
Donna visited the hospital to see Penny in person and couldn’t resist taking her in. Her heart went out to the emaciated, wounded puppy. Donna confessed that once she sees them, she becomes a “goner.”
Donna worked tirelessly to find the perfect family for Penny. Fortunately, a family in St. Louis came forward after seeing Penny’s photograph and expressed their interest in adopting her. The family already had two Pit Bulls, and they were well-versed in caring for dogs.

Jennifer recently updated her Facebook followers on the progress of their new furry friend, Penny. Despite her mischievous behavior, Jennifer describes Penny as a lovely dog who is still adjusting to her new lifestyle after experiencing abuse for a significant amount of time. While Penny has only been with them for 10 days, she has already made great strides in her health. Her therapy for severe heartworm is proving effective, and she is gradually adapting to her new home while learning new things along the way.

“Penny is having a great time at the moment! She has a big appetite, which is fantastic because she didn’t want to eat when she first arrived home. Hopefully, this means that she will start to gain weight. Although she is still scared of our two sons, I am slowly trying to get her used to them. She loves going for walks and always wants to rush back to the house, but I have to stop her due to her health. All in all, this is a huge adjustment for everyone, but it’s like having a new baby – lots of adaptations that will eventually fall into place.”

Penny experienced a shocking incident during her recovery as she unexpectedly gave birth to a puppy named Nickel. Despite Penny’s difficult journey, Nickel is doing well and is in excellent health. Penny is taking care of the puppy, but once Nickel is ready, she will be placed with a foster family through Hearts of Gold Pit Rescue. It’s possible that Nickel already has a forever home waiting for her, according to Donna from DogHeirs.

The new family of Penny was able to capture the essence of her rescue and current situation in a concise statement: “Just think about how different Penny’s life would have been if she wasn’t abandoned by her previous owners. We were able to save two lives!”

Jennifer, the mother of Penny and Nickel, gave the sad news that Penny had passed away due to congestive heart failure caused by severe heartworms. Despite Penny’s mischievous acts like peeing on the rug, chewing up door frames, and wrecking her kennel, Jennifer never punished her. In fact, she promised to give Penny a better life when she saw her tale on Facebook. She wanted Penny to feel the love she gave to her boys and to live a privileged life. Jennifer couldn’t stop crying as Penny was a wonderful dog who was calm and always ready to snuggle. She was also a great mother to Nickel. Jennifer is grateful to have Nickel carry on Penny’s legacy. Nickel is currently ten weeks old and is receiving a lot of attention at home.

Jen has recently sent DogHeirs an adorable picture of Nickel as a grown-up doggo! According to her, Nickel is quite an interesting and charming pup. Don’t you just love her?

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