“Saved From Tragic Fate: A Starving Cat’s Journey from a Corrupt Shelter to a Loving Home”

This is the story of Mike, a blind tabby cat who was discovered struggling for survival in an unethical animal shelter. He was on the brink of being attacked by a rogue dog when a kind rescuer saved him from a tragic fate. Read on to find out how Mike’s life was transformed, and how he lived happily ever after!

Sarah Richardson received a distressing call from her fellow rescuers at Community Cats of Central Arkansas. According to them, a shelter in Eastern Arkansas was suspected of animal abuse and neglect, which led to its closure. A group of rescues decided to take action and help rescue the hundreds of animals still at the shelter. Sarah was asked to take in most of the cats, but she only had a short notice to do so. When she arrived at the shelter, she was appalled by what she saw.

Sarah was shocked when she arrived at the property and saw hundreds of cats and dogs roaming around without leashes or stacked in kennels. It was then that she first laid eyes on Mike, a blind tabby who was missing both his eyes. While Mike was wandering around the property, a dog without a leash tried to attack him. Mike was eventually taken to the shelter’s cat room, but even there he was not entirely safe.

The room designated for cats was in an appalling state, with numerous holes in the walls, ceilings, and roof. The cats were hiding everywhere, trying their best to survive in those miserable conditions. They had no choice but to leave their kennels in search of food or water among the dogs, endangering their lives. It was clear that the shelter had completely abandoned its animals, leaving them to fend for themselves. Unfortunately, Mike, the blind cat, was in a difficult position and would not last much longer in these circumstances.

Sarah rushed to the shelter to help over 100 cats in need. She initially planned on making multiple trips to transport all the cats, but she knew that Mike, a sweet cat who won her heart, needed to come home with her that day. Despite his health concerns such as an upper respiratory infection, severe diarrhea, and difficulty breathing, Mike still had a loving heart and trusted his rescuers. Sarah noticed how much he yearned for love and affection and gave him a warm home filled with safety and care. Mike was grateful to be rescued, and it seemed like he wanted Sarah to know how much he appreciated her kindness.

Mike, a special needs cat, showed remarkable intelligence and adaptability in his foster home despite having to rely mainly on his sense of smell and sound to get around. He was also extra cautious, having learned not to make any mistakes from his previous living situation. However, with the help of fluids to address his dehydration and antibiotics and parasite treatment, Mike started to perk up and reveal his true personality. Sarah, his foster mom, kept updating his progress on social media, which eventually led to a heartwarming message from a kind individual.

Sarah shared a heartwarming story about a blind cat named Mike who found a loving forever home with his foster family. Despite being blind and missing both eyes, Mike’s foster family took him in and cared for him until he was healthy enough to be placed with another family. To everyone’s delight, Mike quickly settled into his new home and loves his new family. He is now safe and secure, never having to worry about being attacked or abandoned outside ever again.

He leads a life of comfort and luxury indoors, where he is well taken care of by caring individuals. Living with his new cat sister, Molly, who also lacks both eyes, this endearing pair brings warmth to each other’s company. Molly took Mike under her wing, providing him with a warm welcome as his new older sister. Sarah, expressing her joy, exclaimed that he has found the perfect home, and he is thriving in it. Despite his happily ever after, Mike’s journey to recovery is far from over.

Mike, a senior cat rescued by Sarah Richardson in Arkansas, developed an unusual health condition while staying at the shelter. The shelter was in poor condition and crawling with vermin, which were larger than even the cats themselves. Despite visits to the vet, Mike’s condition remains undiagnosed as the vets continue to investigate what bacteria he may have. Sarah is one of the few rescuers in Arkansas who specializes in rehabilitating senior, hospice, and critically injured cats.

To donate food or supplies directly to Sarah’s foster cats, you can click on this link to access her Amazon wishlist. If you want to donate medical funds for the cats rescued from the shelter, click on this link. By donating, you will help Sarah provide medical treatment and long-term care to cats and kittens that have been rescued from abuse and neglect. You can also follow Sarah on Instagram to see more of her cute foster cats.

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