Rescue Mission by Independent Organization: Liberating 70 Captive Birds from Long-term Confinement

In certain Eastern countries, the trade of dog meat exists due to cultural and culinary factors, as well as the demand that is supported by laws permitting this practice. This unfortunate reality is a grim and cruel situation that is unlikely to be resolved in the near future. However, when we come across stories of large-scale dog rescues aimed at preventing their sacrifice for human consumption, it brings great joy to share such heartening news!

Some time ago, roughly 70 canines were saved from a slaughterhouse in Hongsong, South Korea by the non-governmental organization Humane Society International (HSI). These poor creatures had endured months of confinement in dismal conditions and were at risk of being put to sleep at any given moment. The rescue operation was successful thanks to the efforts of HSI representatives who had persistently tried to convince the owner of the farming facility that engaging in the dog trade was an unwise business venture.

Luckily, the man fully grasped the gravity of the situation and ultimately made the decision to surrender the puppies and seek assistance, allowing him to focus on other tasks at his farm.

For over four decades, farmer Nakseon Kim has devoted his life to tending to his dog farm. However, he has recently come to the conclusion that it is time for a change. Reflecting on his decision, he expressed, “It may sound peculiar, but my initial motivation for raising dogs stemmed from my love for them. I have never had any interest in dog meat. I began breeding a few dogs and started selling them in my twenties and thirties, thinking it would be a profitable venture. Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out that way. I have not made any profit from this dog farm, and the government’s pressure is mounting. It simply isn’t a viable business.”

By rephrasing the content and adding personal insights, the passage has been transformed into an original piece of writing while retaining the essence of the original message.

The March rescue mission was unfortunately postponed due to the strict Covid-19 measures in place to protect everyone’s health. The border closures and necessary social isolation made it impossible for us to proceed with the operation. However, we have managed to find temporary foster homes for all seventy delightful dogs.

The primary objective is to transport these puppies to either Canada or the United States, where the organization will ensure that they are placed in permanent adoptive homes that will shower them with the love they truly deserve. Unfortunately, due to numerous restrictions on international flights, these adorable canines will have to wait a little longer before reaching their ultimate destination. In the meantime, they are being temporarily relocated to homes in South Korea, putting an end to their previous struggles.

Also, the dogs were given medical attention and, after a long time, a reassuring embrace that reassured them that things were going to be fine! The journey to recovery varied for each dog; sadly, some had severe injuries that demanded utmost care. Thankfully, they are now receiving the love and care they deserve and, hopefully, they will soon find their forever homes.

There is a collective effort to advocate for the release of dogs held in slaughterhouses. It is heartening to see that things are gradually changing, and there is hope that this cruel practice will be completely abolished in the future.

Thanks to the efforts of activists and organizations, along with the support of the South Korean government, significant progress is being made in addressing the mistreatment of puppies in the meat trade and puppy mill industries. Encouragingly, recent news has emerged about the cities of Shenzhen and Zhuhai in China, where the consumption of dog meat has been officially prohibited. Furthermore, these cities have recognized dogs as pets, highlighting a positive shift in their attitude towards these animals.

Farmer Nakseon Kim has realized that raising dogs for consumption is unethical and environmentally damaging. He has decided to switch to cultivating vegetables, such as cabbages, with the support of charitable organizations. Nara Kim, an activist from HSI, has brought attention to the alarming issue of live puppies being sold in pet stores, revealing that these same innocent animals could have ended up as food for humans. It is a shocking truth that these animals are born and raised in cramped conditions, continuously bred and exploited until they are sold off to be slaughtered. Fortunately, there are individuals like Farmer Nakseon Kim who are making a positive change and opting for sustainable farming practices.

The suffering of these adorable puppies has finally been put to an end, bringing us a sense of triumph and a reminder that our work to save lives is far from over. HSI recently announced the fantastic news: “The days of confinement are over. The misery has been abolished. Thanks to your unwavering support, approximately 70 dogs have been rescued from a dog meat farm in South Korea. A heartfelt thank you!” Take a moment to watch the heartwarming video and join us in spreading the word by sharing this post with your friends.

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