Meet Barnaby: The Perpetually Sleepy Persian Cat Who Can’t Live Without His Daily Dose of Caffeine

There exist a diverse range of cats with distinct features and personalities. They come in different sizes, shapes, and temperaments. No matter how they look, every cat is special in its way. Let’s take a moment to meet Barnaby, our highlighted feline today. Barnaby is a Persian cat with big sad eyes, a permanent frown on his face, and a profound love for sleep. He spends almost 20 hours a day dozing off. Interestingly, his smile is upside-down, contrary to the popular phrase “turn that frown upside down.” Although he lives a comfortable life, he appears melancholic and aristocratic, which is typical of house cats. Only other cats can comprehend the struggles of being a house cat. Though some may perceive his expression as plain, Barnaby can actually showcase a range of emotions. He can pull off the “I woke up at 6 am” look, the “I’ve been napping for two decades and still want more” look, the classic “bad hair day” look, and the “please give me attention” look. You can find more glimpses into this one-of-a-kind cat’s life by checking out his Instagram.

Introducing Barnaby, the mellow and introverted kitty who relishes in getting affection only when he feels like it. He adores snoozing for extended periods and lazing around in different corners of his abode. Unsurprisingly, indulging in food is also one of his top hobbies, as he’s just like any other typical feline. What’s unexpected is that Barnaby is more similar to us than we think!


The proprietor of Barnaby recently shared some fascinating details about their cherished feline with Bored Panda. Apparently, Barnaby will be marking his fifth birthday in May and was the solitary cat in their household until they welcomed his little sister last year (unluckily, Barnaby didn’t welcome her warmly). The owner also disclosed that Barnaby relishes an impressive twenty hours of sleep every day and is quite a pampered kitty. He loves napping on his mom’s chair during the day so much that she has to sit on the floor if she wants to sit down! Nevertheless, Barnaby can be a tad selective about when he accepts pets – he only welcomes them when he’s in the mood. Despite all of this, his caretakers are head over heels in love with him.



























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