Fortunate Infant Boxer Survives Porcupine Encounter with Quills Covering His Body and Mouth

A mischievous puppy in Colorado is currently recuperating after undergoing a lengthy surgery to remove quills from a porcupine that nearly took his life.

Canello, a boxer-mix, was discovered early one Friday morning on a stranger’s porch in Denver with numerous quills embedded all over his body, particularly concentrated in and around his mouth.

The person who stumbled upon him, Sean Pace, reached out to the authorities when he couldn’t approach the dog due to his collar.

“I was attempting to read his tag, and initially, he wasn’t thrilled about that,” Pace shared with KWGN.

Close call: A dangerous encounter with a porcupine left one-year-old boxer-mix Canello with hundreds of quills all over his body. He is seen here before undergoing surgery 

Near miss: A risky run-in with a porcupine resulted in one-year-old Canello, a boxer-mix, being covered in numerous quills. Before he underwent surgery, a photo captured his condition.

Ouch: The barbs had punctured Canello in his mouth, tongue, nose, neck and his leg. He is now in recovery 

Ouch! Canello got stabbed by the barbs in various parts of his body, including his mouth, tongue, nose, neck, and leg. Fortunately, he is now undergoing the recovery process.

Attack: It is unclear when the dog encountered the porcupine, after he ran away from a foster home in Aurora, Colorado, on Christmas Eve 

Incident: It’s uncertain when the dog came across the porcupine, following his escape from a foster home in Aurora, Colorado, on Christmas Eve.

Dangerous: One of the quills only narrowly missed Canello's right eye (pictured). There were hundreds more all over his body 

Close call: A sharp quill came incredibly close to hitting Canello’s right eye in the photo. He was covered in hundreds of them all over his body.

“We were able to feed him and make sure he was warm and cozy,” Pace mentioned.
The pair snapped a picture of Canello on the veranda struggling to nibble on some bacon.
The young dog vanished on Christmas Eve after breaking free from a foster home in Aurora.
His previous owners surrendered him, and he was brought to the Dumb Friends League shelter.
The shelter noted that Canello had fear-related problems.
Animal Control transported him to the Castle Rock Buddy Center, where he underwent a lengthy surgery to extract all the quills.

Found: This is a picture taken by Denver man Sean Pace after he found Canello on his porch and tried to help

Discovered: A Denver resident named Sean Pace captured this photo after coming across Canello on his doorstep and offering assistance.

Rescuers: Sean and Jenn Pace give a TV interview about how they came to find Canello outside their home 

Rescuers Sean and Jenn Pace share their experience of finding Canello outside their house during a television interview.

Scene: The dog was found on this porch in Denver on a cold morning last Friday. He is now recovering 

A dog was discovered on a porch in Denver last Friday on a chilly morning, and is now on the mend. According to Jeff Fankhauser, the chief vet at the Dumb Friends League, the poor pup had porcupine quills embedded in various parts of his body. “Many were stuck in his mouth, tongue, nose, neck, and leg,” Fankhauser shared with KWGN. “Some quills even made their way into his eyelid, thankfully missing his eyeball.”

After undergoing anesthesia, Canello is recovering well post-procedure and is already back to eating and in stable condition. As soon as he’s in better shape, Canello will return to the shelter before being put up for adoption. If you’re interested in welcoming Canello into your home, reach out to the Dumb Friends League at (303) 751-5772.

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