Eva the Belgian Malinois: Heroic Rescue from a Mountain Lion Ambush


While out hiking with her furry companion Eva by the Trinity river in Northwestern California, Erin Wilson never could have imagined that she would come face to face with a mountain lion! The fierce animal lunged at her, leaving a scratch on her shoulder, causing Erin to let out a shocked scream. Thankfully, her loyal Belgian Malinois, Eva, was quick to protect her owner in the moment of need.

Belgian Malinois hurt eating from a bowl

@eva_the_mal, also known as Eva, fearlessly took on a mountain lion that was much larger than her. Despite the odds, she bravely fought the predator while Erin rushed to her aid with a tire iron. Unfortunately, it seemed like a lost cause as the lion attacked Eva, causing severe wounds to her skull. With blood everywhere, Eva was rushed to the hospital where she suffered from skull fractures and a punctured sinus cavity, convulsing during the drive. Thanks to the passing motorists who intervened with pepper spray, Eva’s life was saved. Although she faced a long recovery, her resilience shone through. Admitted to the Redding hospital in Northern California’s Shasta Cascade region, Eva fought hard to survive. To help cover the medical expenses, a fundraiser was started by Erin for this heroic dog. Despite being heavily sedated for days to reduce pressure in her skull and swelling around her eyes, Eva showed her fighting spirit. Sadly, Eva eventually passed away, but her memory lives on. Her bravery and strength will always be remembered, and the impact she made will never be forgotten.

Belgian Malinois takes a picture with a girl in the car

After undergoing medical treatment, Eva initially showed signs of improvement. She returned home and resumed her daily routines, even enjoying leisurely walks with Erin without any hint of weakness. Unfortunately, Erin’s worst fear became a reality when Eva suddenly experienced seizures, leading to a rapid decline in her health. Soon after, Eva slipped into a deep coma, unresponsive to any stimuli. Despite her courageous fight, her frail body succumbed to the battle, and within hours, Eva passed away. Erin was heartbroken to realize that her beloved companion was no longer with her. Expressing her grief on Instagram, Erin lamented the unfairness of the world. She mourned the loss of her precious Eva, reminiscing about the softness of her fur and her delicate nature. The poignant image of Eva lying on the bed serves as a reminder of the bond they shared, capturing a moment of peace and tranquility.

Belgian Malinois is lying on the bed

Even though Eva’s sudden passing, her legacy of courage will always be cherished. She was Erin’s guardian angel, always there to protect and save her. Your memory will live on, sweet Eva!

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