Boxer dog was caught peeing in a flower pot without the owner knowing but he looked at me proudly and pretended like nothing happened.


In the tranquil setting of a cozy backyard garden, a mischievous scene unfolded as a playful Boxer dog indulged in a moment of mischief. Unbeknownst to his owner, the curious canine decided to take matters into his own paws, utilizing a nearby flower pot as his makeshift restroom. With a look of determination on his face, the Boxer relieved himself discreetly, his actions shrouded in secrecy as he carefully avoided detection. Little did he know, however, that his clandestine act had not gone entirely unnoticed.


As the Boxer dog concluded his impromptu escapade, he glanced up with an air of pride, surveying his handiwork with a satisfied expression. Despite the covert nature of his actions, the canine’s sense of accomplishment was palpable, evident in the gleam of mischief in his eyes. With a nonchalant demeanor, he casually glanced around, as if to ensure that his indiscretion had gone undetected by his unsuspecting owner.

However, fate had other plans, as the owner’s gaze happened to fall upon the scene just as the Boxer dog attempted to discreetly sidle away from the flower pot. Caught in the act, the canine froze momentarily, his guilty expression giving way to a sheepish grin as he met the owner’s incredulous stare. Yet, rather than displaying remorse for his actions, the Boxer dog remained surprisingly unperturbed, his demeanor unwavering as he adopted an air of nonchalance.

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In a remarkable display of canine cunning, the Boxer dog attempted to downplay the situation, feigning innocence as if to suggest that nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. With an adroit flick of his tail and an affable wag of his hindquarters, he endeavored to divert attention away from his indiscretion, opting instead to bask in the warmth of his owner’s affection. Despite the undeniable evidence of his transgression, the Boxer dog’s unwavering charm and endearing demeanor proved difficult to resist.

r/Boxer - a dog sitting in a pot

As the owner chuckled softly at the Boxer dog’s antics, a sense of fondness and amusement filled the air, bridging the gap between canine companion and devoted owner. In that moment, any lingering frustration over the flower pot incident melted away, replaced by a bond strengthened by shared laughter and mutual understanding. For in the world of a Boxer dog, every moment is an opportunity for adventure, mischief, and unabashed joy, leaving a trail of laughter and love in his wake.

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