A New Hope: The Inspirational Story of a Rescued Dog Embraced by Teens in Baggs

The staff at the shelter have a deep understanding that life is not always sunshine and rainbows. They know that unexpected things can happen that completely alter one’s life. It could be losing a job, downsizing a house, or families falling apart. Relationships can also falter, and unfortunately, the shelter often witnesses the aftermath of these events firsthand.

As the sole admission shelter in our county, we are responsible for taking in every animal that arrives at our facility. Many of these surrenders are the result of significant life changes. Despite this, we don’t ask for much from our community. We simply request that you attempt to rehome your pets before bringing them to us as a last resort. We encourage you to reach out to local rescues for help and provide us with accurate descriptions of your animals to increase their chances of finding a suitable home. Above all, we value honesty, knowing firsthand how difficult it can be to give up a beloved pet.

Two months ago, an adorable and loving four-year-old dog named Kape was brought in as a stray. Luckily, he had a microchip that allowed us to contact his registered owner. To our surprise, we found out that Kape’s owner had recently divorced and moved out of state, leaving him behind with her ex-husband. Despite our excitement at the possibility of reuniting Kape with his owner, we discovered that she was the one who had abandoned him as a stray.

Sweet Kaпe was caught in the middle and unfortunately ended up as collateral damage, with neither of his owners showing interest in reclaiming him. Remarkably, this hasn’t changed anything about Kaпe’s personality. He remains a genuinely happy dog; his face lights up when given attention, he’s affectionate, good with other dogs, and amazing with people. Although he’s small and muscular, weighing 40lbs, he’s strong. Kaпe is handsome, goofy, and gentle. However, during the 64 days that he’s spent here, he has received minimal attention from anyone outside of staff and volunteers.

Kape may have been given up, but his love has not faltered. We believe that there is someone out there who is the perfect match for Kape – the right home with the right heart. Someone who will appreciate him for his sweetness and understand the lifelong commitment that comes with caring for a pet. Those who know Kape and take him out can see how much he longs for love. He isn’t interested in toys or treats; all he wants is to be touched and hugged. Kape loves spending time in the yard, basking in the sun and receiving affectionate words and smiles from his owner’s lap.

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