A Man’s Love Transforms a Kitten with a Birth Defect from Unwanted to Unforgettable

Kitten With A Birth Defect Was Considered Ugly And Unwanted Until This Man Came Along

Rescued by a Kindhearted Man: A Cat with a Birth Defect Finds Love and Acceptance at Last
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Kitten With A Birth Defect Was Considered Ugly And Unwanted Until This Man Came Along

Kitten With A Birth Defect Was Considered Ugly And Unwanted Until This Man Came Along

I have always had a soft spot for cats, and I can’t fathom how some people find them ugly or unworthy of love. A memory that stands out to me is when my cousin and I stumbled upon a scruffy kitten years ago. The poor thing was dirty and had patches of bare skin, but I didn’t hesitate to show him affection, while my cousin was repulsed. We were just kids, so I don’t blame her, but I still recall that moment vividly. I’ve always been drawn to animals in need, eager to offer them love, even if only for a brief moment.

Despite our young age, we managed to rescue that ginger kitten. I informed my grandma about the situation, and she took pity on the kitten, so we returned to collect him. The vet treated his eyes and provided creams to improve his fur. Giggy, as we named him, turned out to be the most adorable ginger kitten in the village thanks to our efforts.

This experience reminds me of Arlo’s story. Arlo, a cat deemed unattractive, seemed unlikely to find a loving home. Despite being born with a defect, this sweet kitten had just as much love to offer as any other cat. Would he ever find someone willing to give him a chance?

photo of arlo, a kitten born with a defect

photo of arlo, a kitten born with a defect

Check out this adorable picture of Arlo, a sweet kitten who craved love and attention. Be sure to follow @theartfularlo to see more of his adorable moments!

Arlo came into this world with a unique appearance due to a congenital defect that sets him apart from other felines. Despite his distinct look, he was brought to an adoption center with hopes of finding a loving home. A kindhearted worker at the center described Arlo as a loving and mischievous cat, full of personality and affection.

Arlo was diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a condition that can impact a cat’s brain and cause facial abnormalities. Despite this, Arlo has been deemed perfectly healthy through extensive vet examinations. All he needed was a caring family to give him the love and attention he deserves.

Photo of Arlo on the newspaper headline

Photo of Arlo on the newspaper headline

Davy, a social worker specializing in children with disabilities, was considering adopting a pet cat. Living alone in a rural cottage, he felt it was the perfect time to bring a furry companion into his home. His friends started tagging him in posts about a special cat with additional needs that was in search of a forever home. Intrigued, Davy contacted the shelter and scheduled a visit to meet the one-year-old cat named Arlo.

When Davy met Arlo, who was typically reserved around strangers, there was an immediate bond between them that was undeniable.

photo of arlo with his owner

photo of arlo with his owner

Picture courtesy of:
Arlo came up to Davy and gave his hand a lick. It was as if they had an instant connection.

Arlo curled up next to his owner

Arlo curled up next to his owner

Image courtesy of:
Before long, Arlo claimed Davy’s lap as his go-to spot for napping. Shedding his initial shyness, he blossomed into his truly fantastic self.

Photo of Arlo, a cat with defect

Photo of Arlo, a cat with defect

Image courtesy of:

Davy accompanied him on his inaugural trip to the vet post-adoption, and he showed remarkable courage. His excellent behavior during the visit resulted in significant progress in his well-being.

photo of arlo at vet's office

photo of arlo at vet's office

Image courtesy of:
Arlo adores mischief by playing a game of hide and seek with Davy’s belongings throughout the house. His top choice of “toys” happens to be Davy’s cozy slippers.

Arlo photographed next to slippers

Arlo photographed next to slippers

Picture courtesy of:
When he’s not busy playing and having fun, he’s always excited to receive gifts… though he also enjoys “assisting” with the laundry.

photo of adult arlo resting at home

photo of adult arlo resting at home

Image courtesy of:
Arlo is a fantastic feline who struck gold with his incredible human, Davy!

photo of arlo stretching

photo of arlo stretching

Check out this adorable photo shared by @theartfularlo. Just a reminder, don’t judge a cat by its appearance. Every kitty has the potential to be a wonderful pet if given the opportunity. Read more about a special kitten with a birth defect finding his forever human at the following link: https://happywhisker.com/kitten-with-a-birth-defect-meets-his-forever-human/

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