“A Heartwarming Tale: A Golden Retriever Puppy Becomes a Guide and Companion for a 12-Year-Old Blind Dog”

Tao, a lovely Golden Retriever, experienced the devastating loss of one of his senses. He had enjoyed a near-perfect life with excellent eyesight for nearly eleven years until he began developing glaucoma as he aged which eventually robbed him of his vision entirely.

Tao, a visually impaired dog, has learned to navigate his surroundings without sight. However, his owners wanted to make things easier for him and decided to get him a seeing eye dog named Oko. These two Golden Retriever brothers have formed an amazing bond and are now inseparable friends.

Melanie Jackson, the mother of Tao and Oko, shared that Tao’s sudden blindness took them all by surprise. Just that morning, he seemed to be perfectly fine, but as the day progressed, he started shaking his head constantly as if he was in pain. After rushing him to the vet five hours later, they found out that he had become blind and had to have one of his eyes removed on the same day.

Although the vets suggested euthanasia, Jackson refused to consider it. She was determined to do whatever it took to make sure Tao could still be happy, safe, and healthy without sight. Even if it meant extra costs and effort, Tao was a beloved member of their family and they were willing to support him through this difficult transition.

For several weeks after Tao lost his first eye, he was still able to see through his second eye. To help him manage his eye pressure and prepare for a future without sight, Jackson gave him regular eye drops and taught him how to navigate without visual cues. By the time Tao’s second eye was removed, he had become adept at moving around independently. Despite his newfound independence, Jackson recognized that Tao would still benefit from some assistance and companionship. That’s why she decided to introduce him to Oko, who would provide Tao with company and protection when needed.

Oko, a new addition to the family, quickly became attached to his older brother Tao. The little puppy follows Tao around everywhere and even takes him for walks on a leash. Tao seems to be thriving with his new companion by his side, especially after undergoing surgery. Jackson, their owner, was pleased when Tao started climbing stairs just three days after the procedure. However, he felt that Tao needed someone to help him and keep him company now that he is visually impaired.

Jackson was proven right when he noticed that Tao felt more secure and comforted around Oko. The two dogs enjoy playing and resting together in open fields, making their friendship very endearing. Oko, who is now 16 weeks old, is continually improving his skills as a guide dog for his sibling. Fans of the duo can follow their journey on Instagram, where Jackson shares adorable pictures and videos of them. Stay tuned to see what adventures they embark on next!

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