“A Heartbreaking Encounter: Abandoned Pup Found Tied to a Fence Near a Dumpsite”

Abandoned dog found tied to a fence with shoestring near rubbish tip

People were left incredibly emotional after seeing a scared dog that had been tied to a fence with a shoelace near a dump site.

A frightened dog was found abandoned near a landfill, tied to a fence with a single shoelace. A concerned woman in Missouri stumbled upon the stray dog while taking out the trash and stayed by its side until animal services arrived. Pictures of the skinny and scared dog were shared by Stay Rescue of St. Louis on Facebook, tugging at the heartstrings of many animal lovers. The dog, named Shoestring, was discovered sitting on a neglected sofa with a collar indicating that he was someone’s pet. Moved by the heartbreaking story, hundreds of people were touched by Shoestring’s plight, with many commenting on his sad and hopeful eyes. The “good Samaritan” who stayed with him was praised for her kindness and compassion. The animal charity made a plea for someone to foster Shoestring, as they were at full capacity. Thankfully, a kind family came forward to foster him, sharing photos of the happy pooch in his new home. In another story, Jake, an eight-year-old lurcher, has spent three years in kennels at Dogs Trust Leeds. Despite having had two homes before he was even one year old, Jake hasn’t been able to find a permanent home since being returned to the shelter in 2019. Animal caretakers are urging local animal lovers to consider opening their homes and hearts to Jake, hoping that this deserving dog will finally find his forever home.

Abandoned dog found tied to a fence with shoestring near rubbish tip

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