Dozing Off: K-9 Pup Snoozes Through His Own Swearing-In Event

During the entire ceremony, the little dog named Brody snoozed peacefully, only stirring briefly to strike a pose for the camera. Just like how we sometimes feel like dozing off at our desks after a tough day at work, or how nerves can keep us awake all night before starting a new job, Brody experienced something similar on his first day as the Bristol Police Department’s new K-9 comfort dog in Rhode Island.

The 12-week-old puppy woke up bright and early for his big swearing-in event, but he ended up falling asleep throughout the entire ceremony. You can watch the adorable video at the end of the article.

Officer Keith Medeiros described Brody as a dog who gives his all in both playtime and naptime. He shared with The Dodo: “When he’s not tossing around a ball, he’s catching some Z’s, and he sleeps a lot so it can be a bit challenging.” Brody’s enthusiasm sometimes gets the best of him, as he once got so overwhelmed with excitement that he dozed off on the desk, leaving the officers to wrap up the task at hand.

How did Brody land his job, you ask? Well, it all started when the police department was contemplating hiring either a drugs or explosives detecting dog. However, Officer Mederios thought outside the box and proposed adding a therapy dog instead. Luckily, the team loved the idea, and Brody officially became part of the squad in March 2020. The timing was a bit tricky at first because Brody had to get used to his new job amidst the challenges brought about by the pandemic.

On the contrary, Brody’s arrival was perfectly timed. Medeiros noted that people, especially those in law enforcement, are under a lot of stress. The moment Brody enters the police station, people’s faces light up and they instantly feel happier. His presence brings joy as people are eager to pet and show him love, creating a positive atmosphere.

Brody is set to embark on a new initiative that involves visiting schools and nursing homes, while also connecting with the residents of the community.

In addition to his role in comforting crime victims, he will also collaborate with fellow officers. Given the importance and excitement of his job, it’s understandable that this small pup needs plenty of rest. Although he may have fallen asleep during his induction ceremony, it’s all in preparation for the important tasks awaiting him.

He is definitely the top-notch child who is there for the people of Rhode Island, serving as a wonderful and faithful police dog on their team. Don’t forget to spread this heartwarming story with your loved ones. You can also catch the full inauguration ceremony below.

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