Rescued Pup Clings to His Owner’s Hand, Afraid of Being Left Behind

Stanley’s transformation from a scared stray puppy to a committed ‘velcro dog’ is truly remarkable. He simply cannot bear to be apart from his dad, always holding onto his hand whenever they are in each other’s company. While some dogs may prefer some alone time for eating, sniffing, or sleeping, Stanley is definitely not one of them.

Sam Clarence welcomed Stanley into his family over a year and a half ago after adopting him from a bully breed rescue in Christchurch, New Zealand. Since then, he has witnessed the once scared stray pup transform into a loyal companion, often sticking close by like a “Velcro dog.”

Stanley is now insistent on holding his father’s hand constantly during their regular road trips, which can be a bit of a hassle. According to Clarence, Stanley is very determined about always staying in contact.

Clarence and Stanley’s paths crossed when Clarence volunteered as a dog walker at a shelter. A request was made for Clarence to temporarily care for one of the puppies found at an abandoned property with their mother. When Clarence saw a picture of Stanley, he instantly knew that fostering him would lead to a permanent bond.

Stanley didn’t immediately fall in love with his new owner when they first met. “He was so scared when we arrived home that it took him an hour to gather the courage to step out of the car,” he shared. “After he finally came out, I gave him a warm bath, some food, and a cozy bed by the fireplace.”

As Stanley settled into his new life indoors and started eating and drinking from a bowl, he formed a strong bond with his new dad. “As a puppy, he would always sleep next to me on the bed, making sure we were always in contact,” Clarence recounted. “He would snuggle up behind me, keeping at least one paw on my back; if I shifted, he would move with me.”

As Stanley has aged, he has become wiser while still maintaining his strong bond with his human companion. Clarence shared that if he’s driving, he and Stanley need to communicate, or Stanley will insist on attention. This funny behavior happens even when they are watching TV, as Stanley will nudge Clarence with his paws until he pets him. It’s a quirky habit that Stanley also displays with Clarence’s housemate when Clarence is not around.

Now, both Clarence and Stanley enjoy exploring the outdoors in New Zealand, especially when Stanley discovers a beach, river, or lake. Clarence finds Stanley to be the perfect travel companion, even if he sometimes has to struggle to focus on the road with Stanley’s antics. Stanley’s eagerness to please and his joyful personality make him a unique and lovable dog in Clarence’s eyes.

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