“A Canine’s Enduring Devotion: The Heartwarming Tale of a Dog’s Ten-Day Vigil by Its Owner’s Grave”

Capitan, a loyal German shepherd, has proven to be an exceptional canine by remaining vigilant over his late owner’s grave even six years after his passing. Miguel Guzman’s death in 2006 led the devoted dog to escape and wander off. However, to the astonishment of Guzman’s family, Capitan was found near his master’s burial site a week later in central Argentina, displaying unwavering loyalty.

Miguel Guzman decided to adopt Capitan in 2005 as a present for his son, Damian. However, the faithful dog has been guarding Miguel’s grave for the last six years without fail. The Guzman family mentioned that Capitan doesn’t wander off the property too often, and they had even thought that he was dead after he went missing. Despite their search efforts, they couldn’t find him, and they assumed he might have been hit by a car.

On the following Sunday, we decided to revisit the cemetery, and to our surprise, Damian identified his lost pet. Capitan rushed towards us with loud barks and painful screams, leaving us stunned. Veronica disclosed that they had never taken Capitan to the graveyard before, making the situation even more peculiar. She added that it was unclear how Capitan managed to reach there.

The director of the cemetery, Hector Baccega, shared that he and his team have taken on the responsibility of taking care of Capitan. The loyal dog had come to the cemetery on his own and started exploring until he found his master’s grave. Baccega mentioned that Capitan takes walks around the cemetery during the day and always returns to the grave. Moreover, at precisely six o’clock every evening, he lays on top of the tomb and spends the night.

Nonetheless, the Guzman family has not given up on Capitan. Damian revealed that they have made several attempts to bring Capitan back home, but to no avail as he keeps returning to the cemetery by himself. Damian believes that Capitan will remain there until he passes away as he is guarding his father’s grave.

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