“Feline Bliss: Cat Delighted to Find Cozy Nest for Her Kittens and Allows Kind-Hearted Canines to Babysit”

The feline was overjoyed to have found a cozy spot for her litter of kittens. To her surprise, she trusted the resident pooches enough to let them take care of her little ones while she took a break.

cat mom kittens

Angelica and her little kittens were brought to a county shelter a few weeks ago. The young cat mom was having a hard time coping with the stressful shelter environment, and on top of that, her three little ones were sickly and in need of a lot of care and attention. Fortunately, AnimalLuvr’s Dream Rescue stepped in to help and found a foster home for the family. Allison Ilcken, a kind-hearted volunteer, opened up her home and heart to provide Angelica and her babies with the love and care they needed.

shelter kittens

The rescued kittens were not in the best of health. According to @ilckenzoo, they were sickly and needed attention. Despite this, Allison from Love Meow shared that one of the kittens, Angelica, was an absolute sweetheart. Although she was initially hesitant and stayed at the back of her carrier during transport, she eventually gathered the courage to explore her new surroundings. Angelica was pleased with everything she touched and sniffed, and before long, she had curled up in a cozy, warm bed with her two companions.

happy cat paws

Angelica was absolutely thrilled to have found herself a foster home. Her contentment was palpable as she purred away and kneaded at her surroundings. Her purr engine was a force to be reckoned with, which she gladly switched on whenever her carer Allison was near. However, despite her joy, some of Angelica’s kittens were suffering from upper respiratory infections and worms, while Angelica herself was nursing a fever and mastitis. Nevertheless, she remained in high spirits and grateful to be in a caring environment.

cat kitten sweet

Angelica, along with her three furry companions, received ample love and care from their foster mother. Over the course of a few days, they started showing signs of improvement and revealed their playful nature. As soon as they were ready to interact with other animals, Allison took the initiative to introduce them to her dogs who are friendly towards cats. Initially, Angelica was hesitant around these giant canines, but she soon warmed up to them.

kittens snuggly dog

Philip and Peggy were spotted at ilckenzoo spending time with Olive, the resident dog. Angelica, who was initially hesitant around the dogs, eventually warmed up to them after spending some time interacting positively with them. The dogs were incredibly gentle and kind to Angelica’s little ones, allowing them to crawl all over them and even nurse on their bellies, much to Mama Angelica’s delight. Peggy, who is known for being brave and outgoing, was the first of her littermates to approach the canine kitten-sitters, with the rest soon following her lead.

kitten cute dog

Allison shared with Love Meow that she sets aside some daily time for the dogs to spend with Peggy and Hope@ilckenzoo. This has resulted in the cats becoming more affectionate towards the dogs, purring and snuggling up against their legs. Angelica, being a young mother, enjoys playing and giving her kittens the attention they need.

kittens dog sweet

Ilckenzoo shared a post about Olive, who seems to be taking her role as a kitten-sitter quite seriously. She loves it when the dogs take over looking after the kittens, as it means she gets some peace and quiet and all the attention from her humans. The kittens have clearly picked up some playful traits from their mother, as they can often be seen roughhousing together and acting like they own the place.

kitten snuggling dog

According to Allison, Philip and Olive’s caretaker at the Ilcken Zoo, Angelica has developed a gentle and pleasant voice. The little creature enjoys being in the company of others and often visits Allison’s bedroom for cuddles and extra affection. When she’s there, she loves to lie down on the floor and wait for scratches, praises, and treats.

cat playing with kitten

Angelica is a big fan of playing. The three kittens have made significant progress from when they were first saved as unhealthy babies. Nowadays, they’re full of energy, eager to explore, and love to engage in games.

kittens cat tree

Peggy, Hamilton, and Philip from @ilckenzoo are all set to start their new journey together as a happy family of four. Luckily, two of the kittens have already found their forever homes where they’ll be showered with love and attention for years to come.

sweet cat kitten snuggling

Angelica and Hamilton are now living at the ILC Ken Zoo as a happy adopted pair, along with Peggy who is also their loving sibling.

bonded kittens

Peggy and Hamilton@ilckenzoo share the heartwarming story of Mama Angelica and her beloved kitten, Philip. Mama Angelica has a simple desire: to find a forever home where she and Philip can live happily and be showered with love and affection.

kitten cat mom

Philip and Angelica are regulars at the Ilckenzoo. Angelica, the feline is always full of life, prancing around like a playful kitten. She is never alone as her dog pals are always there to keep her company and provide snuggles whenever she needs them.

sweet talkative cat

Don’t forget to spread the word and tell your buddies about this tale. If you’re interested in finding out more about Angelica, her adorable kittens, or Allison’s foster animals, check out @ilckenzoo on Instagram.

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